I'm Asep Rudi Casmana: What are the characteristics of a good teacher?


Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

What are the characteristics of a good teacher?

Written by Asep Rudi Casmana

Teachers play an important role in schools. This is because they should help their student not only to get knowledge, but also to help them to be better citizen. Today, I have visited one of the best school in the city of York, United Kingdom namely Bootham School and observe several class to see what is going on in the room. This is part of the program provided by department of education in The University of York to visit and see the school. In my opinion, I discover lots of interesting things about the teacher, particularly how to be a good educator in terms of head teacher’s perspective. Normally, when the school is looking for a new employee to be a teacher, these characteristics are very important to be considered. Christopher Jeffery, the school’s principal of Bootham school in York highlights that there are three most important skills that should teachers have. These are having interest to talk with young people, communicate enthusiastically, and have an interest to collaborate with other people.
University of York Student
MA in Education
Teacher of Botham School
Admittedly, having an interest to communicate with pupils is the most important skills that should be owned by teachers. This is because they need to convey not only knowledge but also encourage them to be an unusual citizen. For example, when I observed English class in Bootham school, Elizabeth Gallagher-Coates, a teacher in the class was happy to talk with pupils. The materials that they learn today is storytelling and writing a letter for people.  She sometimes come visit some groups in class to ask and make sure that students understand what she said. She asked face to face and talk with them about today’s lesson. Thus, students really enjoy to study and they come up with a new insight after class. It has proven that having an intention to talk with pupils is imperative for those who tend to be a teacher.

In addition to this, Jeffery stated having a communication skill enthusiastically is another ability that teacher should possess before teaching in Bootham school. For this reason, he said several modules in the school need teacher who can encourage pupils to be really engage and participate in discussion. Taking PRE (Philosophy, Religious, Ethic) as an example. This is my second class that I observed in the school. Tracey Copestake, a teacher in this class was enthusiastic and has a huge spirit to convey an insight about the history of Christian in United Kingdom. She can encourage all pupils to speak and participate in the class to give an opinion. When she spoke and taught enthusiastically, students were more engaged in the class and have a lot of curiosity about the lesson. Moreover, this idea also is supported by Chris Kyriacou (1997), a professor of Education in The University of York, who has highlighted that one of a good teacher characteristic is clarity of explanation and teacher enthusiasm. As such, this sort of skill should be owned by prospective teacher before going to Bootham school.

Eventually, the head teacher mentioned that educators should have a tendency to collaborate with people. This skill is important to give feedback for other teacher. Although teachers are busy with their activity, they need to have a sense of improving themselves. To exemplify, the Bootham school sometimes conducts a collaboration or supervision teaching. Teacher can see and observe their friends in class. Afterwards, they come up with a notion about how to improve teaching skills. Therefore, this willingness to collaborate with others is very important as well.

In my personal perspective, I agree that these three abilities of ideal teachers should be owned by schoolteacher. These characteristics can help pupils not only improve their knowledge, but also make them to be better citizen. The purpose of Bootham school is not escorting pupils to high reputable university, but building people who can be participate in government or public life.

To sum up, although there are a vast majority of an ideal teacher, the three characteristics of educator in Bootham school can help other people who have willingness to be a teacher in school. Where possible, for those people who are learning how to be a teacher, they need to improve these three skills. 
Classroom environment

Meeting with head teacher

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